We are Chosen by Grace



Youth Weekly Program

  • The youth have services every Thursday at 7:30pm

  • Also, We have Bible studies every Wednesday at 7pm, where the youth can meet and fellowship with other youth. We engage in talks, activities and studies.

Programa de Jovenes

  • Los jóvenes tienen un servicio todos los Jueves a las 7:30pm.

  • Los Miércoles tenemos estudios bíblicos a las 7pm en donde los jóvenes pueden compartir en actividades, charlas y estudios.

Meet our Youth Leaders

Youth Pastors: Jose & Keren Rivera

President: Jeanelly Aviles

Secretary: Danielys Vizcarrondo-Aponte

Treasurer: Angel Figueroa 

Vocal 1: Caleb Morales

Vocal 2: Gabriela Donis


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